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Agronomic tests with rotary atomizers and electrostatic system

Work carried out by Sabri evaluated the efficiency of the new rotary atomizers with mesh M14 and the Spectrum-Zanoni Electrostatic System.

26/07/2024 ás 16h07

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An increasingly discussed topic in agricultural aviation is the need for more information on the quality and efficiency of spraying.

We have been conducting agronomic tests for more than a year with our rotary atomizers and we already have some preliminary data, which can be obtained by contacting our team. Zanoni is working hard to offer a standard of excellence for the Brazilian market with this type of equipment, seeking to develop the most resistant atomizer, with the greatest ease of operation and which offers the best quality in the application. The results found so far have been quite satisfactory, with positive comments from pilots and agronomists regarding their durability and the uniformity of drops obtained with them.

During the beginning of August, in the region of Pelotas (RS) we did a great and important job with Sabri, in partnership with Taim Aero Agricola. In addition to evaluating the efficiency of the new M14 mesh for atomizers, we also carried out the Spectrum-Zanoni Electrostatic System certification, examining the quality in the application.

After years of working together with Spectrum Electrostatic Sprayers in the USA and Taim Aero Agrícola, we launched a Brazilian electrostatic system in compliance with the parameters of the American developers. In addition to bringing the quality and efficiency of the application typical of this technology, the nozzles are manufactured entirely in stainless steel, ensuring a long service life for the equipment.

As soon as the test results are finalized, we will make them available on our platforms. We thank each of the partners who are always involved with product development and place their trust in our work. We are available to answer questions, listen to suggestions and criticisms and work together with everyone to improve spraying efficiency.

For more information, see our complete line of nozzles.

Agronomic tests with rotary atomizers and electrostatic system

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